Episode 142

Published on:

7th Dec 2020

142. The Importance of Community - Nicole Curtis Fitzpatrick

We cover:

* The need to get info faster when dealing with illness

* Navigating the challenge of unpredictability

* Building connection & community to support illness

And much more

Entrepreneur. Program Manager. Board President. Nicole has taken on many roles in her life. But the most meaningful of them all is a parent to a child with a chronic illness.

When her youngest daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2012, Nicole had never encountered this illness before and felt lost on how to help her daughter. Nearly a decade later, she is taking what she’s learned along this journey to become an advocate for other individuals and families impacted by epilepsy.

Her personal passion and mission is to help others quickly find the information they need and empower them to live their best lives.

Nicole continues to search for the most current information and resources available on epilepsy diagnostics, treatment options, mental health, youth to adult transition planning, quality of life, and so much more.

Stay connected with Nicole

Facebook: facebook.com/Heart-Centered-Advocacy

Email at HeartCenteredAdvocate@outlook.com.

Grab your free copy of the Mindset Mastery Blueprint here: https://jessebrisendine.lpages.co/mindset-mastery-blueprint/

Website: https://jessebrisendine.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessebrisendine

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JesseBrisendineCoaching/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessebrisendine/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessebris

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JesseBrisendine

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About the Podcast

A Handful of Hope
Heart centered conversations about life, love, business, and more with heart centered people.
A Handful of Hope brings extraordinary people (entrepreneurs, NY Times Bestselling authors, celebrities, thought leaders, CEO's, etc...) together to share their tips, tricks, tactics, tools, and magic with you.

The goal of these interviews is to inspire you to follow your heart in building a thriving business and living a fulfilling life.

About your host

Profile picture for Jesse Brisendine

Jesse Brisendine

Jesse Brisendine, the creator of "Zero Limits Coaching," is a world renowned expert who works with high achievers and organizations to move beyond their limitations & unlock their greatness.

Business leaders, Hollywood celebrities, entrepreneurs, medical professionals, and educators have utilized Jesse's services to break through limiting beliefs, uncover their unique purpose, build thriving businesses, and live fulfilling lives.

Jesse is a big fan of buffets, professional wrestling, and finding the silver lining in any situation.